How to acquire a Freehold Land Title
Step 1
The Applicant must have in his/her possession fully completed Forms 4, 10, 19, 23, a set of 3 authentic deed plans, 3 Passport Photographs, Receipts of Payment and a forwarding letter requesting for a Freehold title signed by the District Land Officer of the respective District where the land is located.
Step 2
The Applicant presents the full set of original documents in duplicate and a photocopy of the same, to the Department of Land Administration for Checking. The Photocopy is stamped ‘Received’ and returned to the Applicant. The Applicant checks with the Department of Land Administration after 10 working days to confirm their approval or rejection.
Step 3
Once approved, the documents are forwarded to the Department of Land Registration for issuance of a Freehold Land Title. The applicant checks after 20 working days.
Step 4
The applicant presents the photocopy given to him/her by the Department of Land Administration stamped ‘Received’ and identification documents on collecting the Freehold Title. The applicant signs for the Title and the Photocopy is stamped ‘Returned’ on completion.

Documents required: Form 4, 10, 19, 23, set of Deed Plans, set of Passport photographs, General receipts of Payment and a Requesting letter.
Fees paid at the Ministry: Registration fees – 10,000; Assurance of Title – 20,000/=; issuance of the Title – 20,000/=.